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4 Ways to Handle Bad Tenants in Greensboro

It can be emotionally wearing when you have a tenant that has become far less stellar than the referrals you reviewed and the information provided on their application that led you to accept them in your property. 

When facing such a difficult situation, it’s constructive to have a guide providing you with options and steps you can take to relieve the stress for everyone. So read on as we explore five ways to handle bad tenants in Greensboro.


If your first choice of action is eviction to handle bad tenants in Greensboro, you need to take a moment to consider that they indeed must have done something very wrong before proceeding. While it may sound easier to evict a tenant with a personality that doesn’t sit well with you than dealing with them month after month, this is a long stretch from being the type of tenant who needs such legal action. Have they failed to pay the rent without any legitimate cause or engaged in illegal or unruly behavior on the property? Also consider that there has been an eviction moratorium due to Covid-19. Make sure that your tenants are not covered under this protection.

Understanding Attitude

it’s incredible how an understanding attitude can make a difference when you must handle bad tenants in Greensboro. While your investment properties are a business and you have guidelines you expect your tenants to follow, it sometimes helps to take a step back and be human. Extenuating circumstances can get the best of even the best among us, so take all factors into account and consider breaking a rule or two if it helps keep a good tenant in place.


While breaking the rules now and again may serve you, you cannot allow tenants to believe that you’ve become slack or that there are no rules about making late payments. Bad tenants in Greensboro tend to take a mile when you only intended to give an inch. As a result, they may become habitually late payers. While there are emergency cases where you can afford to be understanding when someone cannot pay rent, your tenants’ just not having rent isn’t a valid excuse and, if it happens enough, can cause havoc with your finances.


When handling bad tenants in Greensboro, you should document every interaction in writing, video, or photographic evidence. Also, keep any security tapes that may apply to the situation. Finally, keep any estimates or receipts for the work if repairs are required.

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